Wildlife Survey Reports

Whenever we get the chance to have a wildlife or plant survey we will pop it in here for your perusal. They are marked as official (O) versus unofficial (U) ones. This simply means a verified and trusted organisation (such as Wildlife Trust) has done the survey versus a team of volunteers. Both types help us to create a picture of wildlife and how the changes to the site have affected the wildlife. None of these reports are exhaustive for a variety of reasons including season, weather, bad/good luck etc. Where notable events have occurred these have been mentioned.

~1970(ish) Canalisation of the River Rea~

1990 Ecorecord Survey (O)

~Period of neglect/non management~
~2019 Work begins on site management~

Noted lost species using Ecorecord include Angelica, Tansy, Sorrel, Lupin, Tall Rocket, Meadowsweet, Yellow flag, St Johns Wort. Work begins to re-introduce these primarily in Top Meadow Garden. Other new species are noted to arrive after first year of work including helleborine, forget me not, mallow and a general increase in ground level plants such as wild garlic.


2022 May Bird Survey (O)
2022 July Bat Walks (U)
2022 December Bird Survey (O)
2022 February River Survey